Gone Phishing: Webinar Recording

Listen to Kyle Peterson, Director of Managed Services at Uprise Partners, explain the top things to look for and the best tools to use to avoid falling victim to a phishing attack.

No matter how savvy we are, those nefarious folks behind phishing scams are clever and getting more and more sophisticated. They make their emails look legit, use the correct logos and URLs that look so close to the real thing that we don't pick up on the extra letter in bankeofamerica.com, and their messages include convincing context.

Considering 88% of data breaches happen due to human error, how can we ensure we don't get tricked by these complex attempts? Listen to Kyle Peterson, Director of Managed Services at Uprise Partners, explain the top things to look for and the best tools to use to avoid falling victim to a phishing attack.

Kyle Peterson

Kyle Peterson is the Senior Director of Services at Uprise Partners. He’s responsible for new customer experience and services operations. He works with customers on Chief Information Officer advisory and has optimized IT environments for hundreds of customers. He specializes in email security, security compliance, and disaster recovery.

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